Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I got mail!

As you may remember, I've been battling a terrible diaper rash for a few weeks now. Even worse, my favorite cloth diaper store has been out of my diaper rash cream! Yikes!!

So we had to find someone who wasn't out of it. Mama found a few places, but it was super pricey, 'specially when you have to pay for the shipping. Finally, she found a good deal on Amazon.

The best part was, mama and daddy had gotten some Amazon moneys by doing seaches here instead of using other search-y places. Basically you type what you want to look for, and it will randomly give you "Bucks" that you can cash in. If you get 45 Bucks, you get some Amazon moneys. If you get a bunch of Amazon moneys, you can buy things!

And sometimes the things you buy even come in boxes. With packing peanuts. And a jar that goes THUD! when thrown. All of which can be stacked!


Heather said...

I'm assuming that the cream is cloth-diaper safe? What's the brand? I'm so tired of having to put my LO in sposies whenever he gets a rash (which is now because he's had diarrhea and it hasn't been kind to him!)

Gabe said...

Yes. It's Grandma El's, and we love it. It's cloth diaper safe and it works.

I haven't found it in any stores, but you can get it online like Amazon. Mom's Milk Boutique usually has it with free shipping but they've been out for a while.

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