Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Step Closer to Big Boyhood

Well my bloggy friends, I am officially {almost!} a big boy! My mama and daddy turned my baby crib into a toddler bed. I can now come and go as I please. If I wanna go night-night I can. Whenever I wanna.

And if I wanna get my binkies... I can! However, mama and daddy take them away and hide them. Then we can't find them when I do go night-night. With big boyhood comes responsibility, I guess.

I've gone night-night for one whole night and one nap, and haven't fallen out of bed yet! Go me!!

Next up for big boyhood... potty training!


{B} said...

LOL so how is the new bed come nighttime? Does he crawl out and wander?

Gabe said...

At night he's good, it's naptime that he wanders. But, he eventually finds his way to bed so that's really what matters.

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