Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Holidays!!

I hope you're having some happy holidays. Yesterday was Christmas, and it was a busy day for me. Not for mama's camera though. It was being a bad camera, and prolly won't get presents from Santa next year.

I will be super good next year, and was good last year so I will get and did get some presents. Hooray for me!! I got some new shoes and socks, clothes, gloves, an apron and play fruit, coloring books and regular books, and blocks. Lots of blocks.

I hope you are all having some happy holidays too!!


{B} said...

Yay! Silly camera, doesn't it know you don't want to be on Santa's bad list!? Presents are the best. :)

Gabe said...

I know! That's what I told it. It told me it will be better if I keep Gabe from dropping it. ;)

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