Yay! {Clap, Clap, Clap!}
Mama letted me hold the box of cookies and get my own cookie out 'cause I'm a big boy. She said that if I'm big boy enough to ask for a cookie, I'm big boy enough to get a cookie. Sometimes I dropped them on the floor, but I picked them up and put them in the box. Then I took them out and throwed them across the room! {and RePeaT!} Mama made a movie about me getting cookies.
{Here It Is}
I also learned that when I have cookies, we have to brush my teeth more. Mama and I walked to the store and bought me a new toothbrush and toothpaste 'cause I runned out of my old toothpaste.
We also bought me a new hair brush and stuff to wash my hair and spray on my hair. I like the spray stuff a lot! It's fun!
Here's a picture of me when mama put the spray on my hair and brushed it.
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